Oh, my Lush obsession... where do I begin?
I'm trying to put in another order from Lush UK. Yes, they do deliveries all over the world, even here. They have this magical face serum, and I'm all out. Thing is, I pay a fixed shipping rate for delivery up to 1 kg, so I like to take full advantage, and fill my 1 kg to the brim. It always takes me ages to put together an order, cuz I keep recalculating everything. I've been putting off this order for a long time...
The following items are on my list:
- Full of grace serum bar
- A million kisses lip tint
- Cynthia sylvia stout shampoo
- American creme conditioner
- Jungle solid conditioner
- H'Suan wen hua hair treatment
- 25:43 perfume sampler
- Smitten hand cream
- Atomic toothy tabs
- Sparkle toothy tabs
The solid conditioner it great value. The scent is not my favourite. It's a bit grassy in my opinion. But it leaves my hair smelling fresh and clean, and lasts a really long time. And it's not that expensive- less than £3. I personally melt it with hot water into and empty 240mL pot. That makes it into a sort of paste, which I find is easier to use.
I got a sample of the atomic toothy tabs in my previous order. When we were on our little trip to Canada together, I took B to the Lush in Toronto- and he bought a pack of the Dirty toothy tabs. I thought they'd be good for his bag for כוננות. I tried them, and wasn't so impressed. But Atomic is a whole other story- they're lovely! They taste all spicy-cinnamon-y. Yummy! They leave my mouth feeling nice and fresh, and my teeth feel really clean. Perhaps even some whitening going on there... And they seem to be easier to chew up compared to Dirty.
I used my sample when I was on call overnight at the hospital. Super convenient- I just put a few in a tiny little tub, and don't have to carry around a whole tube of toothpaste. Now my sample is almost all gone- time to order my own!! Figured I'd give Sparkle a go while I'm at it.
All the rest of the items are a bit of a gamble, but I think they're a good shot.
Million kisses lip tint got great reviews. I've seen some swatches- they look promising. A red with pink undertones. And my chilli tingle lip tint from x-mas time is really growing on me. So I'm looking forward to trying another Lush lip tint!
Smitten supposedly smells like snowcake, which I got a sample of around x-mas. It's almondy-sweet. Wasn't sure I liked it so much, but it grew on me- and now snowcake is gone (maybe back next year...). Anyway, I prefer getting a cream to more soaps, cuz i'm trying to use up my soap stash. No need to buy more at the moment. Plus, creams always leave a more lasting scent, which is nice :)
I've sniffed both Cynthia sylvia stout shampoo and American cream conditioner in store, but never got up the nerve to buy them, so thought it was about time i gave them a real shot. Both have amazing reviews...
I've tried a different Lush hair treatment- Jasmine and henna. It was nice, made my hair soft and silky, but smelled really strongly of jasmine. To the point that it gave me a headache. The upside was that it covered up the smell of post-henna, which i really dislike (as does B). Smells like wet hay for several days :( But the colour and shine I get I totally worth it for a few days of smelliness. Haha! Anyway, this treatment I'm going to try smells warm and spicy- a bit like chai tea! I got to sniff it in the shop in Toronto. I hope it works as well at covering up the henna smell.
As for the perfume sampler- it's supposed to smell limey at first, and settle to a sweet almost vanilla scent. Sounds lovely, but I have to admit- I haven't had much good luck with perfumes, Lush or otherwise.
Haven't put in the order yet. Even on the website, which adds alot of weight for the shipping, I'm only up to 880g. So I need to decide what else I'm adding to the order to fill it out to the max.
I also decided to sell my Twilight perfume. And with the money, I bought Yuzu & Coco. It's supposed to be mandarin-coconutty-tropical goodness. I'm excited! I hope it lives up to expectations :)
I think that's all for now. I hope I make up my mind and put in my order soon. I'll be sure to update when it arrives!!
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