Sunday, January 22, 2012

New year

Been a while, huh?
Well, I feel like i'm all grown up. Finished med school, started working, moved in with who i think i can now call my other half.

Things were a little rough at the beginning- moving in together and everything. But we seem to have figured a lot of things out. I feel really comfortable and secure- like i can really count on him. It's pretty amazing really. It's hard to imagine life without him. I can hardly remember what that was like. We go to sleep together, and wake up together, and say good bye as we each head out to work.

He's really trying to find his way right now- so sometimes it's a little hard. He's had 2 jobs. One was as a mortgage consultant- turned out to be way too much telemarketing/bad boss. Then decided he actually really wanted to pursue a career in the public sector-so he got a temporary job in the רשות לניירות ערך. He's liking it, but it's only for a few months. Then he needs to find another job. So he's been putting in tons of applications everywhere, going to all sorts of tests and interviews. These government jobs are a long process...

As for me, I'm growing my way to becoming a doctor. That too seems to be a long process, with its ups and downs. I often wish there were more ups, to be honest. But i'm making my way through intern year. By the end of the month i'll have finished the first half (5 months, really), and will soon be on my way to 6 months of peds. I'm hoping that's what i want to do with my life, so I should have a bit of a better time. It's been pretty rough going till now. But i seem to be surviving. Sometimes I wonder whether it was the right path to take, you know, but it leaves me a good amount of possibilities still, and I do like the security and respect that it gives me. I just wish I had a bit more confidence... Hopefully that will come with time. So they say...

I used to have a habit of doing New Year's resolutions. So I might as well continue the tradition :)

1. I've been riding my bike to work nearly everyday- that's about half an hour each way. Which is good for the heart and muscles, but i'd like to start supplementing with pilates twice a week. I have an audio class and mat and everything- just need to get my act together and start doing it. I think it will really help my posture, and maybe even release the stress and tension i seem to hold in my neck and shoulders.

2. I need to start studying a bit. I have Feb. off before i start my 6 months in peds- and i'd love to feel a bit more confident and knowledgeable when i get there.

3. I want to try to become a bit closer with my siblings. And my parents. My mom can be difficult sometimes, and B sometimes has a rough time with it. My dad is quiet, and sometimes it's hard to feel close to him. And the siblings, well, everyone's starting to have their own lives... it's hard to keep track. At the moment all 4 of them have some sort of relationship going on. Anywhere from just-met to engaged. It's sort of a cool new stage.

4. I've become slightly Lush obsessed. Not out of control in terms of spending or anything, just I can spend hours on the internet. It's a little crazy. And there are better uses for my time. The other thing is that I have a stash- and it's stuff that is best used fresh. No point it just sitting around not being used. So I've put a ban on buying any bath products (I feel bad taking alot of baths cuz our little country is rather short on water... so i don't end up using my bubble bars up). And no more soaps until i've used up the ones I have- including the shower gels. Anyway, point is- I want to finish up the stuff I have and really only buy things that I need. Like a sort of clear-out. I feel like it's should help me emotionally clearout as well...

5. I need to figure out how shabbat is going to work for me at B's parents' house. I want to enjoy being with them, and I do- but shabbat can make it really difficult. And I know it will never just magically resolve, but i need to start trying to work it out.

Ok, so i think this is all for now. 5 is probably a good start, right?
I'll let you know how it goes...

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