Sunday, January 20, 2008

Why the title?

Well, i was trying to think of something that sounded neat, that had a kind of ring to it. i was thinking of flower or plant names--i often name things after flowers or plants, like trillium, orchid, bamboo, aspen... things like that. then i started thinking about teas, cuz i drink alot of herbal tea, and sometimes they have really cool names and combinations--things like red zinger, vanilla chai spice, mango passionfruit, tension tamer. and then i thought of the combination of teas that i made myself: peppermint-licorice spice. it may not sound so great at first, but believe me--it's amazing. sweet, flavourful, and refreshing. anyway, i named my blog after one of my favourite flavours of tea. you should try it.

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