Friday, September 4, 2009

Another Blast from the Past

Just after my birthday i met up with ES. I know, I know, bad idea. We had another one of those reconsidering situations. He slept over one night. it was nice, but made me feel uncomfortable. Some physical things happened, he still remembers exactly what i like... but there was no sex. And we also didn't kiss on the lips. It was kind of weird. A mixture of pleasurable and sad at the same time. The reconsiderations were unclear as usual--it seemed he was making an offer to get back together, but when it came down to it, nothing's changed, the same issues still exist, and he can't actually commit. The whole things was a pleasant wash of nostalgia, but it's not realistic to hold onto it.

Meanwhile, things with GL are a bit complicated. I really like the guy. Alot. I just don't know if would want something more serious with him. I know he says he doesn't want a real relationship with me. So unless I for sure do, it's not worth bringing it up. We have a great time together. The physical stuff is weird. It's not regular enough for it to get really good, but it's fun and comfortable. And I just can't decide whether I want something more serious right now.

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